How exercising made me feel improve myself during lockdown

It looks scary, but worth finding out.
Photo from Unsplash

Weighing yourself on a scale can be terrifying. When the weight is shown it can either go positively or negatively. So, a month ago, I weighed myself many weeks ago and it turned out I was 15 stones and 15 pounds. Terrifying.

As a 19 year old, I mostly refused to believe I was obese by proving I was eating apples and walking a lot. But those crisps, chocolate bars, fries and sugars were not helping me in any way. It didn’t even help that there was only a McDonalds in my home town; a filet-o-fish and chicken nuggets two times a week was not a good choice either.

Fast food is limited to once a week.
Photo from Unsplash

Therefore, on the day I found out my size, me and my parents decided it was time to lose a lot of weight and the third lockdown was the right time to do that.

Firstly, I took all the fat foods with many calories in our house. The crisps, white breads, nachos, fries  and many more were substituted for popped crisps, yogurts, more apples and even having cups of tea with only one sugar. It was a sacrifice and it had to be done. Takeaways would now only be on Saturdays, either would be KFC or the local pizza shop near us. McDonalds on the weekends are a nightmare as only takeaways were allowed.

Going to the gym once or twice a week makes a big difference.
Photo from Unsplash

It was not just the food either. My brother liked the idea of doing exercises at home. We bought back the exercise bicycle to use for 10-20 minutes. Push ups, leg ups and planks have now become a daily routine for me and it’s honestly my favourite thing to do to reduce the fat.

The last thing I chose to continue was my walks around my local town. Normally I would do this once a week; however, in order to lose weight, walking over 5km 3 times a week would be my challenge. The route would go through the retail park, the bridge, the meadows, the park, the high street and then all the way back.

Me after losing a stone.

After the first week, I lost 6 pounds. Second week, nearly half a pound was lost, becoming 15 stones 6 pounds. Third week, only 2 pounds were lost. Now, I am on my fifth week and lost a stone.

Would I recommend laying off the fat foods, walking miles and exercising? Yes. Absolutely. Losing an entire pound during the last month helped me feel better both physically and mentally.

All pictures taken from Unsplash.


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