The death of the beautiful game : Opinion Piece

Top League Football Action
Photo from Unsplash

April 18 was a dark day for Football. Manchester United, Liverpool, Real Madrid, Juventus, Inter Milan and more out of 12 clubs announced a new European Super League. What looked like a dream come true for the owners of the clubs has become a nightmare for all football fans and even those who do not follow the sport at all.

"This sport was invented by the working people who wanted entertainment from the harsh realities of the world of work"

As a football fan myself, the announcement of a European Super League is both shocking and abysmal. Why leave the domestic leagues where teams can dream of winning the national title and play in Europe via knockouts and then throw it all away for a major European football league for all the Capitalist elites?

Tweet by @Fabrizio Romano

In my honest opinion, the owners are backstabbers, traitors and betrayers of the beautiful game as we know it. The owners of these football clubs have broken the hearts of million football fans around Europe and it’s scaring all other football teams from around the world too. This sport was invented by the working people who wanted entertainment from the harsh realities of the world of work. Many clubs were formed to compete against each other; not just for pride, but for fun and enthusiasm. The Champions League was perfect as it is. Why throw that all away just to go ahead with the formation of a Super League makes no sense whatsoever?

A non-league football match between Gloucester City & Whitehawk

I grew up understanding and loving football. I may have never learnt how to play too well, but playing basic and for enjoyment meant a lot. Going to watch teams from the locals of Cheltenham, Gloucester and Evesham to the elites of Aston Villa, Manchester United and even Cardiff City meant something not just for me, but for all of the fans that enjoy seeing their teams compete against others from the same league or even in tournaments too. But with the negligence of these elite owners, clubs such as Bury, Macclesfield, Wigan, Deportivo, Bolton and even Kaiserslautern have suffered financially that its either scarred or bankrupted many of these fallen teams.

Me & my Bro at a friendly match between Cheltenham & Leicester

With the news of the formation of the European Super League being confirmed, the world of football has been seismically changed for the worse. Even if there is hope, this new league has ruined football as we know it and I’m one of the millions of passionate people that are wholly against this enormous shift in the beautiful game.
